Saturday, May 31, 2008

Back to blog

Coming back to blog a year after...hmm...a year has passed on...though i was not keen on updating the blog, thought of looking back to changes that has came after my first blog...

Dubai has also changed a lot in the past year, the memorables are related new roads,metros,building,dolphinarium etc. Could not forget to mention about a photo that came is gulfnews, which was of burj al arab, crown plaza and some other iconic buildings covered with fog and with only the top portion visible. It had a great caption too "Castles in Heaven".

Lately, thoughts about Dubai is that of soaring rents, Salik(Toll Gates)... and the general expense in dubai which is mounting up forcing the lower income group to live out of Dubai. One of the latest development is regulation from Dubai muncilaity not to allow more than one family to stay in a villa.This is affecting a lot of people.

Though my career going ahead, i feel its still dont have the momentum. Though, attended the training of PMP, i have to complete it by passing the exam. I hope, it can be completed within next two months.

Done a lot of research on Open Source projects. It was a real surprise to get to know about many open source tools which are absolutely free. The company i work for is moving towards outsourcing IT jobs to offshore sites.Its a good idea from their perpective considering the difficulty in getting good IT resources in Dubai.

In family, though we had usual nitty grittys, an important happening was the miscarriage of second child....God willing, everything will become fine ... Some happy moments to share is that when parents visited dubai, we were all visiting relatives and had a wonderful party at home on the day when parents were returning back to india.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Saaajiii.... kollaaaaam... dint knw bout the miscarriage till i read the blog... sorry to hear that... keep writing